Get familiar with a natural phenomenon, The Transe and its application in psychotherapy. Let’s talk Hypnosis!
The hypnotic trance is a natural function of the body and mind that accompanies us throughout our lives. It is part of what is called modified forms of consciousness, just like the state of sleep for example. It should be noted that we spend a third of our lives sleeping, thus in a modified state of consciousness. Without realizing it we also spend a lot of day time in a trance, as when we drive or walk intuitively to a habitual and known place, and we arrive at our destination without even realizing it. This is called a modified consciousness state by comparison to the classical awaking consciousness state, which is supposed to be the general reference state. Yet it turns out that if we add up these states of daily trance, sleep and the notion of the Freudian unconscious, it is rather the classical state of consciousness that is a minority in the governance of our lives.
Among these various states of modified consciousness in which one could also rank the Medium Trans and the Shamanic Trans, there is, therefore, a specific field with its own definitions, the Hypnotic trance. As it goes completely unnoticed in our daily lives, it suddenly takes on a very different relief when the phenomenon is used in a therapeutic relationship, and even more impressive in circus show when it occurs in a dimension of entertainment and thus voluntarily rendered « spectacular ». Put in these different settings the phenomenon becomes visible, but often also surprising and incomprehensible to many for lack of habit and conscious practice.
One main point to understand is that the psychotherapist or the show hypnotist, in very different genres, have absolutely no power to create hypnosis. They only use, in consciousness, a phenomenon that with a little practice is accessible to all. Although using it especially in psychotherapy (but also in a good show) will require experience and practice of longer expertise.
The phenomenon fascinates and, by ignorance, can be frightening. Navigation in murky waters for some, revolution of the mind for others, therapy or manipulation, it is time to take a fresh look at this practice, to make the balance between fantasy and reality!
1) Video in English to introduce this strange territory of hypnosis. (English)
2) Then, for my French-speaking friends this time, always to help you clear this strange world of hypnotic trance… Understanding Hypnosis. (french)
3) HYPNOSE, which uses a modified form of consciousness, is now disgraceful in increasingly varied uses of the medical world. Hypnosis in the medical setting. (french)
4) HYPNOSE – MUSIC in the operating room (french)
It’s possible and it works!